
2050 Constellation Program

Introduction to the constellation plan

Providing space basic education and satellite engineering practice to junior and senior high school students nationwide, eventually launch 108 maker satellites that students participated in the whole process designing and developing, and have it run the network.

Young people participating in the Constellation program in 2050 will grow into the new generation of China's space.

Main Specifications

Constellation coverage: global coverage

Track height: 500km

User uplink rate: up to 400bps

Course and competition introduction

The 2050 Constellation Program includes the below six series courses, “Hundred Years of Aerospace”, “Satellite Exploration and Production”, “Spacecraft Measurement and Control”, “Satellite Classification and Application”, “Manned Spaceflight”, and “Deep Space Exploration”, which is divided into Satellite Basic™ junior high school courses and Satellite Premium™ high school courses. Base on STEM project-based learning model, combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to provide students with interdisciplinary knowledge and aerospace science literacy.

The 2050 Constellation Program plans to hold the "Satellite Innovation Design Competition" to select the excellent star schools. After a junior high school or high school course, students can participate in the competition through the Satellite Professional™ training course to win the chance to launch satellite.